Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Patrick My Man...

How are you all doing? Well I hope the answer is "good". Not a whole lot has happened until recently. Friday night was Awesome! I got to see one of my absolute favorite bands perform live! NEEDTOBREATHE they put on one of THE best shows I've been too. I didn't get to meet them because it was a Six Flags festival thing. It was still totally rad! I wasn't able to bring a super great camera (ipod camera) but I got a few photos. Here are my favorite:

I got Joe smiling. :)

My natural "lense flare" of the night.

I also had some of The David Crowder Band but they were too blurry. They were great too. Oh after everything was over we saw Patrick (Need's crew member) over by the merch booth. So Sara and Sara thought it would be funny if I went over and asked him for a shirt... so I did. :) I walk up, pat him on the back and say "Patrick my man got any shirts for me?" he said "what kind of shirts do you need?" I said need shirts (confused) "NEED... Shirts?" then I said Needtobreathe shirts and he said "all I got are girls sizes left" I was bummed but said "Congratulations on the sales" and then told him thanks and walked off with a huge grin. It was fun and I hope he doesn't think I'm weird or something.
That night Sara got lost trying to meet mom and we drove a couple miles past the meeting spot. It was a fun night. I din't get home till about 1 or 2 that night.
I also thank Sara's friend Venus I believe for the ticket she was kind to give me for free. So there was my Good Friday fun.

Easter went good. We had some friends from out of town come, and we went to our great grandmother's house for Easter lunch/dinner. Today was my next to youngest brother's (Colton) birthday. He's having some friends over and such, a great time.

Tomorrow is my last test and last class of catechism so that will be a release of stress. It was fun I think we're throwing a party or something.

Thanks for reading guys. Have a good evening or day or whatever it is when you read this.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm horribly late

April Fools day, Happy birthday! Yeah It's been to long into the year.
So I didn't really have an April Fools day prank, apart from waking all my siblings by popping a balloon in the hall. It was also my moms b-day that day. We went out to eat with our grandparents and that was nice.

On Friday the 8th we went over to our awesome friend's the Collinsss house for a birthday party. Their youngest child/brother Jim had his 12th birthday. We had some friends from out of town come and we had a really fun time.

So our band stuff has slowed down a bit, we're trying to figure out what we're going to do in the summer. Things like who's house, for how long, what are we going to do, etc. We're trying to get some equipment for recording, and some software, and some know-how, on the whole thing we're still short some lyrics and some instruments. We also just lost our 2nd bass player and our keyboardist, so we have one bass player now and we'll come up with some piano stuff. Oh and incase y'all haven't heard me and my friend Joel might be singers for the band, which I'm terrified cause I have no idea how we'll sound let alone me. We're still looking for a singer, but if we can't find one before summer we'll be doing it.

So speaking of losing band members, Remedy Drive one of the best bands ever has lost three members, only the lead singer Dave has stayed. They have a new guitarist, bassist, and drummer I believe, and are still a band just not the same guys... It's very disappointing but they had good reason to leave, to be with family. I will continue to be a HUGE fan of a still awesome band.

There's my post into the middle of April, guess I was still getting used to it. :)
Thanks for reading.


P.S. My family is considering adopting, so please pray for God's wisdom in this process.