Friday, September 17, 2010


Howdy, it's been awhile but nothing has been happening a whole lot.

So we went to visit some really good friends of our family. they had a couple people over to swim in their pool (which they recently finished setting up)and it was really fun. We ate food and looked through maps and found some funny city and street names. I now want to go visit Converse city in Texas Ha ha!
After all that we played a game I've never played before called "pussy in the corner" or atleast something like that. You get enough chairs for everyone but one person and they have to say "pussy wants a corner and everyone leaves their chair and runs to a different one and the person left out has to say it next.
Anywho I had a real good time.

We also went to the Fort Worth Museum. We saw the planetarium and watched Under the Deep Sea in the Imax/Omni theater which was totally rad! We didn't get to see alot of the exibits because we didn't have enough time to go to them all before the movies started. But was still a good time.

And our Aunt Valerie who lives in California is visiting with us Sunday. So it's a time of visiting.

Also Joel got a story published in a magazine called Teen ink
it's a magazine written by teens. So we're psyched about that.

In other news.
Peter's doing good he's still in the hospital andstill has the Trach in him but after they get him off that he'll be able to go home so keep praying it's really helped him and his family and they're being great examples of christ.

One more thing. Yesterday our friend's mom had a stroke and is in the hospital right now. She's doing pretty good. We visited them this morning. She said she was going to be released today but she got sick from some testing. So please be in prayer for her.

Thanks for reading. See ya.


1 comment:

  1. I have NO idea which friends you are talking about. :) Just kidding, I had a good time too, glad you guys got to come! I am uber stoked for Joel!
