Wednesday, December 8, 2010

B-ball anyone?

I got lots of basketball Last night. Well some other things have happened but they weren't "worthy" so to speak for a blog post.

Enough rambling, we (me and my friend Nathan) went to like 3 basketball games in one night crazy right? So we picked him up at his house and headed to meet my other friend Joel's (not the one in the band, incase your confused) Mom and sister at a gas station. So first off we weren't sure where the school where the game was to be held was at. So Mrs. Collins called home for some backup (A.K.A. Mr. Collins) . :) So after pulling into some people's house we turned around and made a left and a right and we were there.
So it was my first basketball game to see live, so it was pretty cool. Joel did good although I think having me and Nate there was making him a bit nervous. But they killed, it was 24 to 13 I think so it was all good.
Then Mr. Collins took us to Braums to meet Nathan's mom. So after playing car chase with Mrs. Collins, listening to some great guitar music and riding in the smallest place to fit a human body (obese one). We made it to Braums.
While we were eating, there were these guys I guess taking a break and were like non-stop texting and I think one fell asleep, pretty funny. So Mrs. Hughes got us and we went to see Nathan Brantley play. We had to watch the girls basket ball game first which me and Nathan found pretty boring, back and forth, so boring. (No offence taken for those who do so). The Warriors won that game. Then finally The guys got to play, they all played good, and this kid even got his head busted up and was bleeding all over the floor. Pretty crazy stuff, so after that they took me home and there's that.
Oh another thing I forgot, I got a Boss ds-1 distortion pedal (yes exactly what it says on the box thing). It has a cool sound which I'm pretty happy with. Got some new cords/chords whatever. Also I'm working on something for a blog header and we'll be getting that up and running soon hopefully, and I'll post about that later.
So I'm finally working on some lyrics for another song it's not going to be used in our first album but maybe later ones. Oh and if you guys didn't already know we have 6 songs for our EP so hope to have those by summer 2011 if we're lucky and we'll probablly give those out free to whoever wants them. Maybe get them on iTunes or something. So i'll keep ya'll up to date on that aswell.

I almsot forgot our family went to the Musem last Friday, it was fun we saw a documentary on the nile, and I made a really cool picture with a giant lite brite thing. Which might be that new blog header I was talking about, but I want to edit it a bit (say that 5 times fast) before I post it.

One more thing I heard today that Peter is moving his head and toes a little bit now, it's really encouraging especially to the Helms. Please continue to pray for him and his family. Also our friend's the Shamburgers have a family member in the hospital, Mr. Shamburger I believe had a stroke so please pray for his health too.

Thanks for reading the longest post of the December month ever.


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