Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy Fourth!

hope it was a good one for you guyses. I had LOADS of fun. We saw the parade in the morning, we saw some friends of ours in that parade. Then last night we had a HUGE like everyone was there! We mainly just hung out until people arrived. Me and my friend where setting up stuff and testing his go cart. Then once some people arrived we had food! Lot's and lots of it! Then we sang some hymns and prayed before going about our evening.
We played a bit of catch with our football, then it really started... Volleyball! Yes it seems to be the church sport currently. That was great it was boys vs. girls, then teens vs. adults (we had won in the past but not this time unfortunately). Then the neighbors to the right of us started shooting fireworks before it was even dark. So me and my friend got our potato cannons out and started firing... at them! (Just kidding) though we were tempted. :) We attached glow-sticks to the potato's so we could see them through the sky.
After we were out of "Ammo" we tried to ride the go-cart but the throttle wire had broken off so that never happened. Then we all went home to our late night/party neighbors to try and sleep.
There you have it my fourth/4th of July weekend. I don't have any pictures but I'm sure there will be plenty other posts about that awesome night!

Thanks for reading.


1 comment:

  1. We did have tons of fun, didn't we?! It was a rad Fourth! Thanks for bringing your potato cannon. ;) That should become a tradition!
    I had a great time, personally. Thanks for encouraging my awful volleyball skills!
